The Goody Bag!

Blue Form Goes Fishing, 2019. Forged and Fabricated Steel Sheet, Knitted Aluminum Wire, 17” x 13” x 9.” Photo by Geir Foshaug.

We are going to be rummaging around for the good stuff in this steel fabrication workshop. We will learn how to construct a volumetric, cohesive whole using drafted patterns and armatures. Advancing our welding skills, making sheet steel malleable through heat, and learning how to grind without losing weld integrity are just some of the delightful techniques that we will explore. Demos will cover welding, plasma cutting, and various surface treatments to articulate personal expression for a heady mix. All levels welcome.

Alexandria Carrion (she/her) is an educator and metalsmith from Los Angeles, CA, where she is Technical Faculty and Director of the Super Shop at California Institute of the Arts. Carrion received an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a BFA from University of Texas at Austin. Her studio practice observes edges distilled down to an essence for translation into sculptural steel forms. Pedagogically, Carrion encourages creative thinking beyond the studio and demonstrates that there is more than one answer to the question.