This guide is for anyone who has received this version of the face shields. In this guide, we will explain how to assemble the face shield and disinfect between uses. When you receive your face shield, you should have two different parts in your bags.




This face shield needs to be assembled before using, this allows us to produce more shields and makes for easy storage when not in use. The assembly process should take less than a minute, and will go quickly once you have assembled a couple of shields.

There are two components that connect together: 1) headband (shown in orange in the photo on the right), and 2) visor (clear plastic part shown in the photo on the right).

There are six holes on the visor that fit securely into the six pins on the headband. Start on one of the sides of the headbands and press one of the visor’s holes into the headband’s pin. You will need to apply a bit of pressure to get the visor to seat all the way down on the pin.



Make sure the visor’s holes have been completely pressed onto the headband’s pin. The photo on the right shows an example of what this connection should look like.

TIP: Securing the last hole and pin together is the most difficult as there will be considerably pressure on the clear plastic visor. Do not worry, the clear material is strong and tear-resistant, it should eventually stretch into place to fit onto the final pin.



The following video demonstrates how to assemble the face shield. Click on the play button to the right to watch the video.



This face shield can be reused if properly disinfected between uses. Both the clear visor and and plastic headband are made from a polyester-based material, and can be safely cleaned with isopropoyl alcohol (IPA). In our lab, we use a high-grade (99%) IPA to disinfect all parts before packing them into plastic bags. Since IPA evaporates so quickly, it is best to use a spray bottle to apply the solution and wipe quickly with a clean cloth or towel.