Visiting artists augment the summer programming schedule by living and working on campus, providing informal afternoon workshops, and delivering public presentations on their work.

Haystack’s Visiting Artist Program extends our commitment to providing time and space for the development of new ideas in a variety of creative disciplines. This program has become a critical component of the school, and over the years Haystack has hosted a dynamic group of writers, designers, curators, composers, choreographers, and visual artists. 

Visiting Artist propose a direction to explore during their session, and spend the duration of their time exploring that idea with session participants and faculty. Hosting informal events in the late afternoons, visiting artists have led conversations and readings, directed writing exercises, taken people on walks, and conducted listening sessions that bring people together from multiple studios. Participants choose to join each afternoon, and may attend once or multiple times. Visiting artists also frequently hold individual meetings with session participants and are invited to join critiques and studio discussions.

Past visiting artists are included on the Past Faculty page.

2025 Visiting Artists