Student Craft Institute
For over forty years, more than 2,500 students have taken part in the Student Craft Institute. Serving high school students in Maine, we partner with schools in larger cities and small towns to some of the most remote parts of the state and coastal communities. The program is designed for high school juniors and seniors, and educators are invited to nominate one student each to attend. Students live on campus, share meals in our dining hall, and focus on one discipline for the duration of the three-day program. Studios are supported by a dedicated chaperone, who is also a faculty member at one of the participating schools. Identified students might be some of the most experienced in their class - or show great promise, interest, and potential - in the arts. In addition to long days in the studio, faculty lectures are presented each evening, providing insight into the professional and creative lives of working artists.
The experience of working intensely in one discipline, and engaging in a creative community of peers makes the Student Craft Institute a truly unique and memorable experience.
Haystack’s Student Craft Institute was supported in part by Haystack’s Program Endowment with additional operational support from the Maine Arts Commission and the Windgate Foundation.
Please Contact Haystack to learn more about this program.
Selected Past Faculty:
Kyra Alex
Elliot Clapp
Kelly Jean Conroy
Tanya Crane
Israel Davis
Martha Grover
Andrew Hayes
Alyssa Imran
Kathy King
Meghan Martin
Amelia Poole
Kari Radasch
Chris Singewold
Erin Sweeney
Wade Warman
Susan Webster
Stephen Yusko
Eric Ziner
“The evening slide presentations were my favorite part of the whole experience. It was so beautiful and empowering to see other artists whos have made their own success, and it helped me to believe that things could work out for me too.”
2024 Student Craft Institute Faculty:
Lisa Lofdahl
Devin McDonald
Janet Hollingsworth
Alexa Stark
Raegan Russell
Addison de Lisle
Joe Lendway