Wood & Fiber: A Marriage of Materials

Late Bloomer by Paolo Arao, 2023. Handwoven cotton, wool, acrylic, wood cleats, (21 parts total) 90” x 138.5.” Photo by Cary Whittier.

Patchwork Credenza by Gregory Beson, 2023. Fumed Oak, Cedar, Hardware, handcrafted and assembled, 72” x 18” x 29”. Photo by Connor Rancan.

This workshop will bridge two craft disciplines through materiality, method, process, and consideration. Both textiles and woodwork share relational qualities. Through making and experimentation, participants will investigate the poetics of these two crafts, contemplating new points of connection and overlap while understanding the historical practice of each discipline. How can fibers dovetail into wood? How can wood become weft? All levels welcome.

Paolo Arao (he/him) is an artist working with textiles and installation. He received a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Recent solo exhibitions include: Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NB and Morgan Lehman Gallery, New York, NY. Arao has participated in residencies at MacDowell, Haystack, Art Omi, Bemis Center, the Museum of Arts and Design (NYC), MASS MoCA, Vermont Studio Center, and the Fire Island Artist Residency. He is a 2023-2024 Pollock-Krasner Foundation grantee.


Gregory Beson (he/him) is an American born designer and sculptor. He launched his studio practice in 2018 in New York City, focusing on material culture: furniture, artifacts, and lighting. At his Brooklyn atelier, Beson designs new pieces and collections, crafting or prototyping all pieces by hand for private clients, brands, galleries, and institutions. His work has been shown globally and is currently represented by galleries in New York City, Genéve, and Milan. Beson received a BS in Product Design and an MFA in Industrial Design from Parsons the New School for Design in New York City, where he has also been a Professor (2018-2023). Beson currently lives and works between New York City, NY and Midcoast Maine.
